
So then you just gotta take it laying down? (no pun intended)

but that Kelis only “allows him to exercise his custody with their son when she deems it convenient for her.”

I have no respect for parents who withhold access to their children from the other parent when there is no protection issue for the child involved.

Suckabee needs to go away. She is not the noble figure she thinks she is.

I’m Latino (half from Spanish speakers, half from Portuguese speakers) and I don’t think you should blanket consider us as allies. I have known anti-black racist Hispanics all my life unfortunately (namely Cuban), and even one (now ex) Hispanic friend who voted for IQ45. I feel like Latinos and blacks *can* share

White people do experience “reverse racism” and “reverse discrimination”. It’s called being treated fairly.

I love it when I see ignorant white people discuss Africa, ugh it’s pretty hilarious. Especially when I tell them about Timbuktu. For people who aren’t aware “ Books were not only written in Timbuktu, but they were also imported and copied there. There was an advanced local book copying industry in the city. The