Beardy McDoogle

The NBA isn't on the NFL's level, but they've always done a better job of creating and marketing their stars. NFL is more interested in marketing the brand as a whole. Basketball is also more popular globally (probably second to soccer). There are kids in the Ukraine that know who Lebron is, while Manning is just a

I'd mock KC, but your baseball stadium has a waterfall. How cool is that?

I've heard Lebron comes off poorly to people who meet him. I know he has a reputation of demanding special attention in bars/restaurants, but tipping horribly.

I'm from around Pittsburgh, but live in Cleveland now with my wife who is from here. The rivalry between the cities is a silly and only really matters to people whose lives begin and end with the NFL. Both cities are in a similar boat, although Pittsburgh appears to be doing a better job of keeping their younger

We're not the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for nothing.

At least it's an excuse for that free Hot Chelle Rae concert everyone's been begging for.

It's not hot, but we did just put a chandelier over an intersection for some reason. So, we have that going for us.