Beardy McDoogle

Fixed it. It should've said I live in THE Cleveland.

I live in Cleveland and it's amazing how every asshole from Parma suddenly remembers their great-grandmother was Cherokee whenever they want to defend Chief Wahoo.

There's a really great movie to be made focusing on Lebron someday. He had the possibly the greatest heel turn (The Decision) followed by one of the greatest redemption stories (The Return followed by the 2016 finals comeback). I hope this is the backbone for the proposed Space Jam reboot. Just sub in Bugs and Daffy

Just sent this to my wife who is a die-hard Cavs fan. Her response pretty much sums up how I feel: "omg that's going to suck but i can't wait!"

My father is a Presbyterian reverend who has mostly served in small, rural churches and they've all passed communion. I think going up for communion is generally done in Catholic and other High Churches, while most mainline protestants and evangelical churches pass.

I liked it too even though I also found the writing kind of flat. I think he was trying to ape the style of other techno thrillers with mixed results. The story was propulsive enough and the satirical stuff worked as the crazy details began piling up, but the first quarter of the book was a bit of a slog because of it.

Hingetown: The Show

I love that she meets the tough guy at the candy store.

I saw a (beautifully) restored 35mm print of Jaws a few years back and was shocked by how much of Chrissie was on display.

I remember when you would see the occasional topless woman in a PG movie. It was a simpler, better time.

I always thought that Indy's ultimate insignificance in grand scheme of things was a sly joke at the center of the movie. It's really driven home when the ark is basically just thrown on shelf to be forgotten. It's like Spielberg's winking at the audience saying "sure this is all nonsense, but isn't it AWESOME

I heard that the Iron Dragon was going to be the test for adding VR capabilites to a coaster (… ). So, hopefully it has a few years left.

Those movies were on cable constantly when I was little. I have a soft spot for European Vacation simply because I saw it first and I saw it what feels like a million times. Either this or Back to School was the first movie I saw a topless woman in, which, I guess, is worth something even though I was too young to

Should have saved that hashtag for some real Cavs hate

Great film. I caught a festival screening earlier this year with no real expectations and loved it. People drawn in by the horror film comparisons may be a little disappointed with no explicit horror elements. There is a sort of free floating sense of menace mixed with beauty that is really effective. Holmer also

Most of the talking head interviews were done after everyone had left the cult. The film goes out of its way to paint these people as smart, creative,caring people who were led astray. It doesn't really dig into any issues they may have been dealing with or how they were so easily led.

I saw this at the Cleveland International Film Fest and this review pretty much lines up with my feelings. It's fascinating but there's still a sense that the filmmaker is withholding from the audience. In particular, the filmmaker seems to go out of his way to make his fellow former cult members look good. He's

I don't consider what Apatow does as letting comedy breathe as much as letting asides run rampant at the detriment to any sense of pace or consistency. It's like petri dish where an unintended bacteria has completely taken control.

I saw that at a film festival and they made a point of announcing there would be graphic scenes involving animals and suggested any one who might be sensitive to that sort of thing should leave. I guess there had been some commotion in an earlier screening. Anyway, no one chose to leave and as that scene is underway,