
I’m okay with it as long as they’re okay with never owning any of my money.

  • The FTC has been hyper focused on the concept of Microsoft exclusives through deals like this, both in terms of the games themselves and also content within those games. Essentially no attention has been paid to Sony’s grand list of exclusives they are, of course, not offering to Microsoft.

For what it’s worth, Microsoft has a history of monopolist behaviour including one of the largest antitrust judgements ever against them. So having a different standard for Microsoft is actually reasonable, especially since they’ve been showing signs of going back to their old habits that got them into so much trouble

When MS went on that buying spree a few years ago, my first thought was, "Well, they are doing the Microsoft thing and using their money to try to buy up every studio to outdo Sony." Sure enough, that's exactly what they were doing. Unfortunately, they're failing to realize that you can't just buy quality games;