
The Furry fandom has historically been a safe space for queer people. Nazis want queer people dead. It is not that complicated.

Please don't give these fuckers more attention. Maybe do a write up on the amazing queer comics in the fandom? Those are really cool, and need the exposure.

Weak, AV Club. I was expecting a guy needing to have a giant wad of paper removed from his intestines or something.

In my opinion I think the real strength of the skits is less that they're funny (they were often only kinda funny) but to help build the characters and their relationships.

Mary Jo, it's real good to see ya.

The part of Lady Bunny will be played by a pile of mayonnaise wearing 50 wigs.

They also riff around the dialogue. Hamlet is all dialogue.

It is an injoke with my and my husband to blame the "Elusive Robert Denby" when something goes wrong.

"You can't come in here! This is gove-mant prop-ty!"

"Honey, don't leave! Your hair won't clear the door!"

I'm very partial to Girl in Gold Boots. It is my kind of trashy — also the riffs are killer.

This list could easily have been the entirety of Madonna's filmography.

Well, at least he isn't that guy who jacked off onto women's twitter icons and sent them photos of it over DM.

A quick google search lists the ingredients as: mustard, paprika, celery salt, bay leaf, black pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, mace, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, cardamom, and ginger

As someone who draws all kinds of fetish porn for a living I call bullshit on the idea of "objective hotness"

Nutritional studies are one of the most notoriously difficult studies to do because it's next to impossible to establish anything close to controlled circumstances. The only data that would be useful is long-term studies and you can't just lock people up and restrict their diets for that long. Plus, you would need to

Whew! I was worried about the adaption when Neil Patrick Harris was cast as Count Olaf. I am glad to hear it is a lot more in tone with the books.

It's one of those "one man's trash is another man's treasure" deals.

I hate having a sexual libido tied to my stress levels. My boyfriend is ready to go at the drop of a hat but gotta be in the mood to really enjoy it.

Well, the weight gain scenes in "The Santa Clause" was one of my earliest memories of being aroused.