
The Mcelroy's are such naturally funny people.

I feel bad for actual cuckolds man. I would hate to have my fetish co-opted as an insult used by neo nazis.

Bless you and the great work you do!! s( ^ ‿ ^)-b

Respectability is all about making the powerful comfterble. They want something that is easy to ignore. They want it out of the way so they can live day to day without having to worry about other people.

That thread was a massive disappointment for me too. I loved the AV club comment section and felt like one of the few places outside of some small sub cultures where I could be open in.

We're blaming trans people for Trump but treating Neo Nazi's as a hip new trend.

Maury, that's an IMVU avatar.

Wow, I forgot how hilarious the intro to Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead is.

I just want her to make more music instead.

Sorry, Sweden, but they already exist.

"Bad Blood" by Nao. That song is the 100% definition of cool for me. It is oozing the stuff and it gives me chills every single time I listen to it.

I want to tell you, Savage Love AV Club Comment section, about something crazy that happened to me recently.

I thought her entrance look was great.

Adore did a periscope where she said that 2015 (when AS2 was filmed) as a really bad year. Her father had passed away, broke up with her boyfriend, and was exhausted from non-stop touring. She was initially excited about the competition and spent a lot of money on looks specifically for the show.

The list of things that the A.V. Club hasn't been incredibly snide about is growing very tiny.

I don't have a breakup song per say BUT I did listen to Jessica Lea Mayfield's "For Today" a ton when I was getting over a guy who I fell deeply in love with who did not reciprocate those feelings in any way.

I have a (Straight) friend who lives in Brooklyn and she told me the horror stories about dating there.

Hey y'all freaks. It's been a while.

It's super easy to watch in one or two sittings. I put it off for a while and regretted doing so.

I normally don't come to a place JUST to shit on something I don't like but I am sorry — today I am That Guy.