
There were two things that I miss from the original version:

If only DS9 could be around today. We could finally get that hot, steamy, Bashir x Garak romance we were so cruelly denied.

She also has a well regard album called "Anus"

Plus, from all accounts Phi Phi has really worked on herself and her attitude since she was on Drag Race. It'll be interesting to see if that holds any water.

Katya?! Oh, hell yes.

That first letter is oddly sweet.

I'm glad that the furry agenda is really going somewhere.

I do think that Drag, as it becomes more and more mainstream, needs analyze itself as it loses touch with it's roots. Though, the idea of "Drag is transphobic and misogynistic" isn't SUPER common. I also don't think it's a completely invalid criticism myself. You have a lot of newer queens (myself included, hopefully)

So, I decided to dive in to something I've wanted to do for years and take my first step into the world of Drag. I've always held off on it. I'm big, fat, hairy. I enjoy being the person I am and for a long time I felt like trying to do drag would somehow invalidate that? My friends have helped me get past that,

Man, every time I hear people talk about robotics and automation in service industries all I can think about is how like… no one ever really thinks about the nitty gritty details.

It is crazy to think that this kind of stuff used to be cutting edge and required top-of-the-line tech.

Ugh, Gwenyth Paltrow was in the 2nd season? For some reason I remember her being in the show a lot later. Glee went to poop faster then I remembered.

Whoa, that is a hell of a deep cut for Glee.

It is weird how stripped down and dark the first half of the first season was. I always enjoyed that aspect of the show. "Sometimes you can't achieve your dreams. That is ok. Life moves on and you find new dreams."

I'm embarrassed that my first time hearing Imogean Heap was in "Shrek 2"

I will always maintain that the first half of the first season is some damn fine TV. I like to pretend that the show stops there.

I really need to read "American Psycho"

Actually! I do have a thing like this. A big clear thing.

I have a bit of soft spot for "Across the Universe." It's bad, but it's a loopy kind of bad with some really fun visuals. I really wish T.V. Carpio would do more musical stuff. She has a fantastic voice.
