
If you can get it work for you it's honestly a pretty good gig. You're your own boss, you got a following, people want to get to know you. If only there wasn't that whole "So, what do you do for a living?" question.

most animators actually night-life it with adult/furry work. when you jump from contract-to-contract you got to fill in the gaps somehow.

Well, they did spend $2,500 on their fursuit. They're strapped for cash!

Yeah, it is pretty dumb. IMO, it's just people using a flimsy moral stance to be cheap.

Hell, for the longest time I could ONLY find armature porn for what I'm into.

Another bad thing with porn+pirating: a lot of adult artists often have their content stolen and posted to websites. Or, worse, put into a big package and put behind a pay wall.

That sounds like it would flop even harder then this movie did.

Really, I think the mid-point of the Android Saga (The Android 17 and 18 part) would make for the best movie.

This is the most accurate description of the show I've seen.

You know, Screen Writer Guy, don't feel too bad.

A moment that really stuck out to me was the plot about them being unable to pay their past-due electric bill on time. The phone call that Roseanne has with the power company, about how she "sent" the check and that it probably "got lost in the mail" hit very uncomfortably close to home.

I remember that bit where the kids were confused by the name-brand food they had gotten by accident.

Dream Drop Distance's versions makes it even more chill somehow? Like a mature jazzy lullaby.

I've always wanted to play Skies of Arcadia. It sounds right up my alley!

Don't worry, I thought similarly for the longest time.

Not a "hub world theme" but kind of fits in is Final Fantasy IX's Overworld theme.

I've been to one of his streams, he actually inks these in Illustrator of all things.

My only real problem with Lena Dunham is that people say she is the "Voice of the Millennial Generation"

"Plastic Surgery With A Mouse Click."

All of the snarking in this comment section aside — this is actually a pretty big deal in the animation world.