
Her new album isn't TERRIBLE but it's the most mediocre thing I've heard all year. Halcyon/Halcyon days was an incredible album. I understand that it would be a difficult album to follow up on but… I wish she at least tried, you know?

I decided to give this album a try, I was was pretty disappointed in Ellie Goulding's latest and I listened to this one afterwards kind of ready to hate it.


Those excepts, oh lord.

why did they sculpt veins and toenails on the feet?

Beardude poll!

I don't know. I saw someone call somebody a "buthead" on the internet once.

I loathe to meet the parent who's child is openly talking about killing black people, race wars, practicing military maneuvers, actually owns guns and then goes "He's fine. Everything is fine : )"

"They demanded Ass and Titties…

Height discrimination seems a bit silly, but it's very real.

I like very big men, I do not like very big men with a poor sense of how to dress themselves.

I want to take this chance to formally thank the AV club for giving me my favorite term for Objectivist.

The Last Unicorn

Actual great job internet!

That is some pretty strong dedication to winning if you ask me.

Be Frowny

If artist on tumblr do anything well — they are very good about tagging their work properly.

Just putting this out there:

The best way I've been able to describe Elizabeth Berkley in Showgirls is "Boobs with Huge Teeth."

Edit comment because I posted it to the wrong article! Woopsy Daisy!