
Man, that is pretty creepy.

I liked it, actually. I liked it a lot more then I thought I would. I hear comparisons of Archer (which I can see) but I actually think it reminds me a lot more of Sealab 2021. It is a bit tighter but it has a similar energy.

it is truly a slippery slope. A slippery slope I fell down and hit my head on every single rock on the way down.

Last to the game but —

In middle school I had become obsessed with the song "Die Another Day" by Madonna. My parents even bought me the remix CD.

darn you, being right and all!

the technique is called "Undercranking."


My dad has always been that guy at almost all the places he worked at. He always managed to up production, profit, and stabilize staff turn over — all just by being a production team leader.

Those gross covers reminded me of a thing!

late 90's - early 00's disney genera films were.. surprisingly dark

Oh, now I honestly feel bad that "But there is just so much good TV to watch!!" is an actual problem I have now.

I remember reading this book I stopped about half way through, I don't remember much about them.

Hell, I'll go to bat for Pearl too.

You might want to speak a little louder. It is hard to hear you on that high horse.

Tangled is the better structured movie, that is for sure. I like the small story and how it progressed. Plus, Mother Gothel is up there with the best Disney villains. It's music isn't the best though. Frozen has better highs but much worse lows.

I'm aware of visual novels and I've played a few. The ones I played were alright. Some of them are very high concept.

I personally found Gone Home dull and uninspired so… I guess this is a definite skip for me! Gone Home, for me, is one of the most overrated games in the last 10 years. I love experimental games, I want more LGBT representation, I love a nicely built thick atmosphere. It just… it completely failed to click with me.

This kind of dangerous silencing behavior is preeetty much only practiced by extremely reactionary groups.

As far as I am aware — no.