
My guess as to why it got this bad? It was this feedback loop. Chris loved attention — even if he eventually found out it was bad. He also never learned his lesson and would always go back to it. The information he would volunteer was astonishing. The trolls couldn't resist such an easy target and they justified

The trolling and harassment of Christ-Chan was as bizarre as it was awful. I had kept up with it myself for a long time just because it was just… is was just so weird.

I had the same experience with Chris-Chan. I take a look from time to time, to at least see if they've stopped. I can at least say that the trolling of him has more or less stopped — mostly people just keep a detailed account of his life to mock. Still awful but much better than it was.

Making any political statements (no matter how slight) towards geek pursuits is a quick way to get a lot of dangerous (or at least persistent) people angry at you.

Oh wonderful! Another movie about rich 20 somethings in New York. Such a universal experience for people my age!

As someone who was forced watch the entire TV series at least 3 times and has seen the awful AWFUL Movie at least 10 times I was right there on the front line. I wanted to see her crash and burn.

Hey, I used to put shirts on my stuffed animals and stuff pillows under the shirts so that they had big bellies and snuggle with them. Us non-standard fetishist needed SOMETHING to project our kinks on.

So, as I have mentioned many many times. I am attracted to really fat men.

I know so many people with a transformation fetish and that is by far the most frequently cited moment when they know that they had one.

Eh, It is pretty well known that Notch and his team were pretty terrible programers (it is in java, in java!) You can ask anyone who has ever modded the game. It's pretty much held together with ducttape and hope.

Well, Minecraft also started out as something some guy did in his free time that went on to make mad money.

I usually groan at obviously sponsored online media. However, I really enjoyed Griffin's heroic attempt at that pizza roll challenge.

The main reason: Adults are more willing to put up with something that looks ugly and crude if it is well written.

Vidalia had mentioned she recently started painting Amethyst again. Maybe Onion knew his mom was feeling a bit smothered and wanted to do something nice for her?

I've heard that the Crewniverse and Cartoon Network have an open dialogue and once they explain their choices CN agrees and backs them up on it.

Oh, the awkward playdate so your parents can hang for a bit — kid free.

AC Club, you are really trying my patience.

I always love hearing stories like that. Me and my boyfriend share a strong interest in very fat men.

Ronaldo is gay and I will except no other interpretation. Now if only he could keep that cute face of his shut every once in a while…

I will cop to her antics getting a bit too much later on — from all accounts her mental state wasn't the best. She is the first to admit that a lot of her image was because of her carefully selected creative staff.