
Suffering a career derailing injury and losing most of your creative staff will do that to you.

Pearl, you better no pull a heel turn! You hear me!? Pearl!!!

That is a shame. From the trailer I was hoping it was going to be a fairly sharp gag-driven chunk of animation.

They exist everywhere. In furry "feitsh" stuff is just much more widely socially excepted.

Nope! Also, I don't think that is just one guy. That particular scene hits the spot for a lot of people.

You see, that is what I though too. Dominance!

I am not a researcher but I have talked to a lot of people about their fetishes. This sort of stuff really interests me. It is a big reason why I even started in the first place. Just take all of this with a pound of salt.

Of all things — feet.

Personally? It was a tickling commission.

You know what?


"Scripted" implies some form of creativity and intelligence on behalf of the people being filmed. I would much prefer if it were scripted — that way at least the contestants/"stars" knew what they were getting into.

I'm deeply sorry about the pain you've been in. Pain management is… not fun. Things will get better though. Either your body will heal or you'll cope. it's honestly amazing the kind of pain you can tune out once you've had it for a certain amount of time.


One extra thing: I am not kidding about be vigilant. Your friend needs to keep any and all paperwork for anything medical, government, or job related. You will be required to send the same things multiple times to different peolpe. See doctors about the same things multiple times.

South Carolina.

Oh baby! Don't stop with the bird noises! Who's a big bad toucan!?

Beardude update — a good thing happened!

One of my best memories was going to see the blue man group with my dad. It really was a great show.

My favorite album so far this year is Florence & and the Machine's "How Big How Beautiful." While I can't say I love the direction of the production (It is porbably the most stripped down she's been… I personally think her voice works best with bombast.) I love her lyrical work. She has very beautiful imagery in her