
Agreed. "Neckbeard" is more of an attitude than a look that pegs you as someone who likes to pathologize empathy.

I've hit multiple dead ends in my life (admittedly short life. I turn 24 next week and I am NOT READY) and the thing that has always helped me take another inch forward is trying to learn a new skill. I'm at a dead end right now and I'm teaching myself how to be a online video content creator.

Just in an interesting tidbit on Richard WIlliams —the man who directed Thief and the Clobber!

Hrumph! Talking about savage love and than not saying anything about the vibrant and amazing Savage Love A.V. Club comment section. I'm offended!

It is so weird isn't it? I swear it is like they go "What is the most superficial reason we can think of call a movie a failure/cancel it?"

I've, unfortunately, had to experience this sort of thing first-hand. It's… not good for the soul. It's even worse that I'm gay — and a lot of my family would have decided that what happened to me is what "turned" me gay. (It also happened to me when I was at a church camp. If there is a God — he/she/it has a bitterly

Shitposting has gone too far.

It is also the quickest way to make an animator vomit.

Real talk — Bear411 is by and large considered a shitty place by the bear community.

I'm a part of Bear culture and it's in the tail end of being an extreme reaction to the "ideal" in the gay community. It's getting a lot better. I consider myself a bear. I find "masculine" men hot. But, to me and a lot of men who identify with the Bear community it is just that… a sexual preference. I think there is

I typed a comment below in regards to this. If you want to better understand Drag in a historical context I heavily recommended the documentary "Paris is Burning."

When people talk about drag being a "Minstrel show" I ask them if they've seen "Paris is Burning." I'm not going to completely dismiss the idea since it DOES hold some water and is an important discussion to have. However, I've noticed that a lot of people who have this position don't seem to know much about their

Cost cutting is, has, and always will be a major part of the art form. Animation is really hard and labor intensive.

Cal Arts really did just suck all the personalty of the art style of some the artist I knew and some of my friends.

100 points to the People Who Guessed His Leaving the Show Was Just a Power Play!

It physically hurt me to read this article

It physically hurt me to read this article

It physically hurt me to read this article

It physically hurt me to read this article

I mostly agree but I have to admit… "Penguin, I'mma buy ya" gave me a chuckle.