
Rubbernecking can be fun, but I always regret it.

I've never been a fan but I've never hated her. Some of the comments I have seen have been very… intense.

Youtube based "news" has, more then once, almost made me blind with how hard it makes me roll my eyes.

Hit the nail on the head!

whew! And I thought the gaming articles got nasty comments here on the AV Club.

One of my favorite MST3K moments is the start of the final episode. It is when Pearl realizes that the S.O.L is going to land on earth and there is nothing she can do about it.

Yeah! I guess that is true. If I do anything it is getting shit done.

So, I am currently on a job hunt and at the insistence of a friend I decided to find out what my MBTI is (he said it would help in job interviews and help me understand my strengths)

I met my current fiance (We've been together for almost 5 years now) Online. It started off long distance and he moved here to be with me about a year after.

Huh, so this is what counts for "weird?"

If you are ever in dire need just search for "bear ass" on tumblr! miles of hairy bobbing man ass.

Ah, yes Secret Life of an American Teenager. Where starting your sentence off with a fat-man grunt counts as great acting. And where middle aged Molly Ringwald plays a surprise lesbian mom.

My main problem with Little Ceaser's breadsticks is that they use an ungodly amount lemon pepper. It makes my eyes water.

As a commercial artist I am often asked the question "What is art?" I usually reply "How in the hell am I supposed to know?"

Most shows follow that trajectory. The first season can be good! However, much more often then not, it is on shaky legs as they figure out what works and doesn't work. The second and third season of a serise tend to be the best.

I agree that the Pilot was really very good. Though, I think the first half of the first season was almost as strong. It had clear story to tell. Anything after the midseason break is a slough that only gets worse.

This is an interesting topic, actually!

I still hold to this day that he first half of the first season of Glee is some of the best live action TV Fox ever produced.

Watch it, it is a good textbook example of how far you can push a bit AND proof that all good "random" humor is actually very carefully constructed.

I do kind of wonder how Jack Osborn is doing seeing as he has multiple sclerosis.