
Nirvana. I respect that they defined the sound of an era and stuck to their principles even as they rose in fame.

It's been a hell of a week for me, Savage Love AVClub comment section. My mom bailed my brother out of jail and pushed him on to me and my current job will be over at the end of the month.

Gettin' real tired of them there Stuporcuts.

Because there will never be a shortage of middle-school age boys.

Had an inspection on our house that we rent yesterday that I had been worried about for a week after they came to fix some bad wiring. I freaked out thinking we hadn't kept the place up their standards.

It is interesting when you view politics through an economist lenses. I'm an arm-chair economist and I fell in love with the subject years ago and I have been in it pretty intensely. It is about as "objective" as I think you can get when thinking about government and a societal structure. Through my studies you


A slowed down The XX song? I can't even fathom how that would be.

I had to google that to remind myself that, indeed, there was an epic heartattack fart at the beging of Hatchet. I read that book in middle school. You would think I remember something like that!

I, for one, am glad adaption of King's work tend to be rather loose.

I still enjoy the movie because it isn't "bad" as much as it is a movie that tried to play itself very straight and came out a garbled yet fascinating mess. It is endearing the same manner that early Ed Wood films are endearing.

I guess this is ABC admitting they've given up on trying to appeal to younger audiences?

Ugh, dreams like that make your realize that your brain is the reason you feel the sensations the way you do.

I've tried that before. All it did was give my mom a convenient out to have affairs.

To give my mom SOME credit- for some reason she treats her grandchildren differently. She actually cares for them and looks after them. Which is good for the grandkids but it adds another layer of neuroses for my sister and me. She has always treated other people's children really well. For a long time me and my

I am going to post this here because you guys here in the AV Club Savage Love comment section are lovely people.

You monster

Hello, other person on the face of the planet who doesn't enjoy Game of Thrones.

It helps Neko Case that she had that "Tough but beautiful weathered farm-hand" vibe to her even when she was in her 20s.