
I used to intern at the design studio that did a lot of Tori Amos' album artwork and general design. The owner of the company also composed the music for the playstation game "Legend of Dragoon."

I can't watch the clip because I am at work. However, I can say that her hair looks like it would do a wonderful job of applying paint evenly over a surface.

I hear his next project is going to be a revolutionary form of story telling where the actors portray the story in real time in front of a real audience with no cameras. But, get this, he is going to do the same show every night for 6 months! I believe he calls it a… "Play" I think.

Because this thing is reprehensible on so many levels I'm going to pick out the thing that I myself am extremely conflicted about.

As a testament to the AV Club comment section I am going to say this:



The title certainly is pretty click-baity. You have to admit that.

"Problematic" is a word I loathe to use now. It should be used to open discussion about an aspect of media that is uncomfortable/offensive but I normally just see used as means to try and STOP discussion. This one thing invalidates everything else about it.

Yeah, that is true. I really doesn't bother me per-say. I just feel like it is wasted energy.

I feel a bit like an ass for saying this but while I do nod my head… I feel like a lot of the new discussion of gender and identity is a bit excessive.


How cruel. He can grow a beard and I have to settle for face patches : (

It is a shame too. She has a beautiful unique voice and an iconic style. She has the diction of Elmer Fudd.

If one of your big complaints/concerns is "forced diversity in media" than you, my friend, have it far too easy.

More like Civil Snore , am I right folks?

I really like Bang Bang too, but Ariana Grande just vanishes in-between Jessie J's bulldozer pipes and Nicki Minaj's Nicki-Minajiness.

"Thunderpants is a 2002 family film about a boy whose incredible capacity for flatulence gets him a job as an astronaut."

I've given it a try. It is barely a step above "I did a thing."