
Steven Universe has gotten so good. I now worry about it being canceled!

After the 2 year mark when it stopped being fun

The reason they do anything on the AV club.

Iron Man 4: These Shirts Have To Be Done By 4:00 Today

In my opinion this is hands down the best comment section I've ever been on. Not just on the AV club but anywhere else I have been.

It does sound like it, but yeah I can't say for sure.

Well, good for her I suppose!

It certainly isn't going to get the guy many dates, is it?

That… is a new one.

My interest has piqued too.

I did! I still fully support their interest and hope they explore it in a safe healthy manner. I don't think it is wrong or objectively creepy just… it presses the wrong buttons specific to me. That is my problem, not theirs.

Yeah, shipping is something I mostly view as an outsider. Sometimes it does feel like shippers are trying to come up with the weirdest pair possible to try and "win" some nebulous unspecified contest.

That is the thing about sex and fetishes. It isn't rational. That is what makes it such a minefield.

I don't find many fetishes creepy. In fact, I think it is pretty assholeish to call someone else's pretty benign interest as "creepy."

That sounds more like shipping which is a completely different thing. That is more emotional than straight-up fetish.

People often joke about "The friendzone" or insist that it is only guys who are mad that they aren't getting sex.

Macro fetish is pretty common. I do find it odd that Fox and Falco are super common within the furry macro community. I have no idea why.

I'm not a sex therapist. I'm not a psychologist, but I have drawn a ridiculous amount of porn for cash. I spend a lot of time dealing with, talking about, and looking at a lot of fetishes. I also draw mostly for the furries where your fetishes/sexual interested is treated as casually as your favorite color.

If I recall, Myst has a pretty interesting lore. It is very…. greek mythish.