
Well, no. Because less-than-stellar effects don't make want to cause self-harm. It is one sort-of-bad thing in a film full of cool concepts rendered with extremely high fidelity.

Maybe I should try Murphy's script writing technique. I hear he dabs his asshole with ink and glitter and then farts on a piece of paper.

The Glee Project is not so much a reality show about kids wanting to be on TV as much as it is a somber look into the "creative" mind of tv's most successful hack.

Nothin' but Shat!

All 3D industries are but VFX is by far the absolute worst. Plus, things are slowly swinging back to practical effects because of the perceived "unrealness" of VFX. (I.E. bad VFX because 3D VFX are used all the goddamn time. You just don't notice the good stuff.)

As a 3D artist who once as aspirations for visual effects I can attest that even from a technical standpoint that it is pretty much porn for people like me.

They codified (if they didn't create. I think Kraftwerk created this whole electronic music thing) a lot of now-common musical tropes, styling, and techniques that are used near ubiquitously.

I never really "got" daft punk until my boyfriend got me to listen to Alive 2007 and then it "clicked." It is my favorite album by them. It is pretty cool that the songs are so modular but at the same time so distinctive.

You know! The reason I started doing 3DCG (SHAMELESS PLUG ) was that I lacked pretty much all the resources and space to make movies.

I am Legend of How Stella Got Her Groove Back.

I'm still waiting for the Oogieloves reboot.


Hey, at least it was the Asian! Thank goodness the white people were ok!

Fieri Gospel: Taking your religion to FLAVOR TOWN

From my understanding it would be a government mandated thing. They would justify as it would have all the personal information in case of an emergency (like it containing your list of medications, addresses, allergies, blood types, ect)

My brother would try and talk up the "Microchip" thing to try and convert me to his conspiracy-laced brand of Christianity.

Yeah, Digimon Tamers.

"Saints Row IV review that didn't actually review Saints Row IV"

You can never be TRULY objective. I stopped reading Gameinformer and Kotaku reviews for that reason. They used to be known for their quality work and attempts to over games from different angles.

I do appreciate that!