
There is also that whole "season written by Serial Experiments Lain guy" thing

You could also visit the craft fair!

We've explored open relationships but we are so synced up to each other sexually (like everytime we tell each other about a HORRIBLE WEIRD FETISH I AM SO ASHAMED we are like ohmygod that is so hot lets do it NOW.)

We're saving up his vacation time so we can visit his family this winter. It would be damn nice to go on vacation with him though.

The time we do spend is very nice though. The plus side is that the time we do spend together we have sooo much more to talk about.

I'm not ALL about the belly. Just like… 99 %

If you switched that username with "Adam Sandler" I would not be able to tell the difference.

My boyfriend and I work opposite shifts now. for the first 3 years of our physical relationship (it was long distance the first year) we spent literately almost all of our time together outside of work. It's been a difficult adjustment for us to make. We really only get weekends now.. which frankly isn't enough to

It is frustrating isn't it? To have so much trouble enjoying something you know you should enjoy, and used to enjoy, but now it is a whole mess of neuroses.

I live only for the contemporary. I have no time for old farts!

I am sorry, but Gene Belcher will always be the premier fartist.

Epargety49 sounds like a futuristic pasta.

We're just sending everything into space now aren't we. Let's just go ahead and shoot, I know, used condoms? VHS copies of Harriet the Spy? Taxidermied lizards in humorous poses?

Wow, never has one word ruined so many careers.

So wouldn't that just count as a guest appearance?

Laurie Metcalf is surprising, for me at least! Though in hindsight it make a lot of sense.

You know, I often like to believe the best in people.

Anyone looking forward to the upcoming half hour Steven Universe special? Rebecca Sugar and her team have done a really good job of doing carefully crafted long-from story telling. I really wish every episode were half an hour long.

Jesus those were rough. I am a big fan but I am not THAT big a fan.

They're shunned everywhere. Mike Vs. Joel is like THE original "Change that emotionally invested fans handled poorly for years" situation. The earliest flamewars were fought over this,