
Same here!

What is even cuter is that her brother and background artist for the show, Steven Sugar, is the bases for Steven Universe (the character)

Rebbecca Sugar is kind of a modern animation icon now thanks to Steven Universe. It has some of the best animation for a TV show since Ren and Stimpy.

I've been trying to get Robert Denby to do that, but he is just so damn elusive!

You are correct! I also now feel like a dummy!

Unfortunately I'll be too busy cleaning my glasses all day.

Calling all Creeps and Be Careful What You Wish For.

I love the man, but goodness Goosebumps aged about as well as a sandwhich in a wine cellar. The blog "Reader Beware!" started off as one man's mediation on the books of his youth and is slowly devolved into the mad scribbles of a person who stared into the mouth of schlocky children's horror for too long and was never

I'm gonna be a dancer!

What are you wanting to go to SCAD for? I could point to you like 3 different art schools that have better programs for much cheaper unless you are interested in SCAD for location reasons.

First off, I am so sorry to hear about your mom.

B-but the male genitals is of the utmost importance!

Man, he must really love cold and air and not making money.

Looks like no one has done it yet, so I'll guess I'll go ahead and take the bullet.

That's a lot of judgy talk for a phallus faced lightening rodent.

I know I certainly started caring more!

God, that sounds like a 30 rock episode.

That is less "Sugar Mommy" and more "relationship with older woman who likes to provide." I've been in a relationship with an older gentlemen that was more like the later. However, the cultural divide between us was too much and the relationship was ultimately unsatisfying.

The usual response to "My favorite band is Jethro Tull!" is "That's… interesting!"

I'll phrase your other cheek!