
If you were given the chance to have a sugardaddy/mommy would you take it?

Man, I really want to listen Raising Sand.

My boyfriend is very into Miley Cyrus and it seems despite her party girl posturing her typical night life is less "LSD and jello shots off my asshole" and more "Glass of wine, netflix, and a petting my dog."

Japanese developers do have a tendency to focus more on the art and craft of making a game. IMO I think it comes from the cultural thought that "Cheap = bad" in the Japanese's consumer economy. Everything in the game has to be as high-quality as their resources will allow.

It is actually hilarious in retrospect how the game that was essentially a tech-demo for final fantasy 8. It turned out much better than the game it was to help design.


I had that game too, I also remember really liking it.

Amen brother*

Haha, well my boyfriend is 230 lbs and I consider him to be "thin." I'm about at 300 lbs and HE considers me to be "thin."

Having seen my fair share of abusive relationships I am inclined to agree.

Where da big men at?

Pretty much this.

Pizza poop in of itself is a pretty good insult too, though.

The age old adage! "Boobs is boobs."

Why couldn't they just stick to vast swaths of celebrity feet images like the rest of the internet perverts.

I am sure Cookie Monster will be here soon to tell us how it went from his perspective.

Gina Gershon in Showgirls is a national treasure.

You know, thinking about it I bet if Capcom had developed the game and decided to release it as a new unique IP It'd have fared better.

The game is also very "traditionally" Mario in that pretty much every level introduces a new element to contend with. It is more Mario at it's core than the "new" series which attempt to copy at a more superficial level.

My guess is stuck on a boss. The bosses of Fusion are very difficult or hard to figure out.