
Fuck this game's bosses though. I love it but that spider boss is, in my opinion, one of the hardest boss battles I have ever attempted.

Nostalgia Chick, man, she does such a good job of just that.

Ugh BMXXX. I also played that game far far far too much.

I'll probably just spend my weekend hacking a bit more at the Agrarian Skies mod pack for Minecraft.

man, I really want to watch DS9 now!

Everything by The Weeknd. I love everything but the actual content of his lyrics which make me feel like I have to shower with an emery board for a couple hours to wash the filth away.

Kirk Cameron must just be going even more nuts from the slow and (I assume) painful transformation into Rob Schneider.

As a young gay, the character Clarissa was my first experience with what I liked to call the "friend-girl crush."

The internet is essential to being a good gay nowadays.

You know. As much as sex and kinks interest me there always been something about sex with multiple partners at once that just leaves me cold.

I remember always being drawn to the awesome creative covers of the horror film section at the video store.
Weren't so many of them utter crocks of shit? Half the time the back had stills of completely differnet movies. It somehow got worse when DVD's really became a thing.

It is a fun pop song that actually looks at a well worn relationship topic (this relationship is bad for me but it is so hard to stop because the passion is intoxicating) and tries to explore with at least a tiny bit of depth. It also has some pretty serious chops behind it.

I know one thing is for sure

That would be expensive for just one shoot for a tv series. Even HBO's biggest tv series.

They just keep trying to make Wizard of Oz darker and gritter. Soon it'll just be a camera focused on some old coffee grounds.

Because high quality animation is very expensive and even with a record number of high quality animators out there studios still struggle to find and keep talent. Venture Bros. takes years to do a season because of it's below average budget.

That is pretty much me and my boyfriend's policy.

I always find it funny that no matter what out-there pan-sexual non-CIS orientation, relationship style, or weird fetish you have… that the age old advice "Be honest with about your feelings, expectations, goals, and wishes" never stops being relevant or applicable.

It is called "being handsome and somewhat charming"