
Moonlighting would be awfully good fodder for the AV club wouldn't it?

If people really love it, try charging for a small commission fee for people who want a personalized image to offset your spending on it.

My brother is same as your brother. Though my brother has a habit of going on about the haters, the conspiracy to instill a new world order, how big of a bitch his ex-wife is, and everyone at all the jobs he loses are just jealous of him.

The streets will choke with our eleganza

Me and my boyfriend always root for the big queen (us big boys have to stick together), and we were sorely disappointed by this season's big queen. We liked Darienne at first, she knew how to apply make up and we loved her quick wit and lack of shame for her body.
However that quick wit slowly turned sour as she

If Bianca doesn't win holy shit there will be riots on the streets.

There are actually some really nice gamestops near me however

I really liked how they established that even in this universe with super advanced science and powerful magic… he has lost his arm for good. PB established earlier that she can't replace Finn because he is a human. She can fix candy, but not flesh.

My theory is that if he ISN'T Finn's dad that it was Billy trying to trick Finn into getting rid of the Lich.

Me and my family paid a lot of cash for what would probably be our last vacation ever to Disney World. It was the year where they had Soarin' Over California there on loan from Disneyland and it was the hottest ticket at the time. We got the fast pass first thing when we got there, and when our time came my god

I really didn't like Michelle for a long time than I listened to the podcast Ru and Michelle started and now it is pretty much a 180. In the show she can come off as bit overly critical and obnoxious but when you spend more than 10 minuets listening to her she comes off as almost shockingly compassionate and

I was thinking the show reminded me a lot of Hey Arnold. One of those things is that is has a large cast that is made out of weirdly specific yet completely relatable kids that we all knew or were with the main character more or less being a nice amiable conduit to have these characters interact.

I was really surprised with how good it was. It reminds me a lot of Hey Arnold with snappier pacing and younger characters. Large cast, all the characters you instantly get, and is able to convey a sense of heavy emotional weight that doesn't overtake the whimsy of the show. I loved how relatable the atmosphere of the

That is something I have been really enjoying with CN's newer crop of shows. The mostly stick use new voice actors so the show isn't nothing but voice actors we have heard a million times before. The ones they do use tend to do drastically different voices than what we are used to hearing.

That podcast was really quite good! It is actually really cool to listen to Ru and Michelle just shoot the shit.

Know whats funny?

I love Baz Luhrman and I make no apologies.

My guess is it is more of a Madoka Magicka sort of thing. The bodies themselves are just a puppet-vessel that is controlled by their gem.

22 this year! The first book came out in 1999

The Series of Unfortunate Events is one of the few book series from my childhood that still holds up really well. Smart, witty, scary, tense, and despite the amount of books, it moves very quickly.