
Shrek is Dreck

I never understood how Beverly Hills Ninja was supposed to be funny.


He definitely had a lot more depth in Shrek 1 but I know what you mean. I'm glad the Mike Meyers Hype Train derailed years ago. His characters more mostly lazy carbon copies of eachother

People liked his old book?

I hope 'le sad Frog' and 'grammatically incorrect blonde dog' make cameo appearances

I'll check the show out, but honestly nothing about it seemed really intriguing. 'They're really fucking rude and mean, but in a sympathetic way because they're struggling new york freelancers trying to make it'… that's the appeal?

Jesus christ he wasn't making a blanket statement about all reviewed shows, and you know it.

Can we get another movie involving the evil penguin now

Oh man, I can still remember goofing off in high school computer class and firing up this game. My only regret is that there's no way to transfer my save file, because the sheer amount of PTSD from some of those levels is keeping me from returning to it.


what an excellent comeback

Are you Muscleman?

But they said the internet was unsinkable!

Why'd you have to remind me, that was depressing as hell.

there's a difference between condoning violence against women and violence against kitty pryde.

I think part of it is the patented Ryan Reynolds delivery, which generally multiples the snarkiness of a line by at least a factor of 10.

Does "Pandering to stupid children" describe the jokes properly enough or does that somehow offend you too?

What are we, some sort of (INSERT SYNONYMS FOR SUICIDE SQUAD) ?

Well hey, I still like Cuban Pete