
Pretty sure those old edgy Jet Li Movies popularized DMX before Rick and Morty

The test footage was actually better shot and the lines were actually delivered better than the shitty trailer.

I'm in your face.

B-but it's a an elegant c-commentary on our country's culture!

That's so 'Buzzfeed 6 months ago'

Agreed. Very cautious on this one. I loved the characters and style of Alan Wake but the gameplay was very shallow.

I thought he was supposed to look like Iceman, whatever his real name is. No, I can't be bothered to google it.

I'd rather discuss how the games themselves look generic and boring in general. The protagonists are only a part of that laziness.

I was wondering why he seemed so affable and charismatic in that film

Enchantress I would assume? Useful for passing speech checks at least.

Another 'Detroit is so scary' comment. How biting and poignant.

"The Castle Aaaarggh?"
"He must've died while typing it"

The third one burned down, fell over and sank into the swamp

I named the computer I built 2 years ago Compy 386


Here's mine, in no particular order (because ranking my favorite games would be as hard as ranking my favorite children that I do not have)

My girlfriend is going to Canada for the week so you bet your buns I'll be spending most of that time catching up on some video games.

You take that back.

I want another season of Superjail! that actually comes close to the quality of the first season

If you don't have a penchant for the ridiculous then you won't like the film, plain and simple. These are the same guys who did The State, which has been described time and time again as an 'anti-sketch' show. Plenty of the jokes here don't have punchlines