
no but it's clear that as the only black writer on the show that his unique experiences and opinions on the show (especially with something as touchy as Kingfish) didn't really matter

Still playing Dead Space 2 over here - half way through on the hardest Difficulty, Zealot.


I dunno man, Alien 3's story originally had some real potential with Joss Whedon on board, and it just got chopped to bits by the end of it. It's not like she was actively pushing to be in a shitty movie. That's an unfair assumption

So the guy who wrote arguably wrote one of the worst Alien and worst Predator movies in their respective franchises is going to talk shit on Sigourney Weaver because she simply starred in some lesser sequels?

The only good thing that has come from Adam sandler is the Adam_Sandler Disqus profile, which is MIA right now, for some reason.

My Man!

Well NPR PLEDGE DRIVE Roped ME into this, LOOK AT ME

Let me GET to know you, Dammit!

Rogan: "You have to quarter-circle foward! Quarter Circle Foward and punch to Hadouken!"

Funny enough, I could see a Seth Rogan/James Franco Pair-up version doing a lot better than sandler, even though it would be equally contrived at this point.

You could always watch The Strai- You know what, forget that one.

Another Cereal Box Joke?

But you can be drunk and shout with others in the comfort of a bar, without the ugly parking, ticket prices, and beer prices


I mean he kind of was if you look into his speeches about 'the kids with the no parents and the pants hangin too low and the *grumble grumble grumble*'

How about "Fiasco"

"Who the hell got him interested in these Quaaludes anyways?"

"Zip-zop boobitybop! " Kids Say the Darndest things on Quaaludes, Chapter 3 Verse 4

"I met Mr. Sandusky during the Fall 2000 semester at Penn State. He gave an inspirational speech about helping children. He neglected to state that he was molesting them."