Beardsley McTurban

Another South Floridian here. Let us die.

Jon listened to Sansa but didn’t follow her advice. The moment he got on the horse to get to Rickon, he played into Ramsay’s game.

When Zuck decided to keep Thiel on the board

Here’s the thing. If Gawker had done nothing wrong, all of the proxy lawsuits in the world wouldn’t have sunk Gawker. The thing is, they did... they went to court... they lost.

Listen up:

Shit. We know what happened the last time Mohammed was fed up with the jets.

It is entirely incorrect to tie this to climate change. This is the result of the government asking for a spec for a ship that doesn’t reflect how they intend to use it.

Fortunately, there is no history of world class field players whose sons become goalkeepers.

Yeah dude glow chics and stuff you aren’t gay because you don’t watch men in tights you are manly