
I don't know, I thought the fact that he unwinds by staring at a pyramid of aquariums full of severed heads was pretty disturbing.  I presume the kid is coming, but maybe they're leaving that out since it's so similar to Hershel's situation on the farm.  In a perverse way I thought that detail actually humanized the

I don't know, I thought the fact that he unwinds by staring at a pyramid of aquariums full of severed heads was pretty disturbing.  I presume the kid is coming, but maybe they're leaving that out since it's so similar to Hershel's situation on the farm.  In a perverse way I thought that detail actually humanized the

I thought there was a general Glenn-ishness about him.  The way he was kind of hesitant, yet eager to step up and prove his worth.  I didn't even notice that he was Asian, was he Asian?  Is Glenn Asian?  I don't see color or creed, just the extent to which one's facial expressions communicate moral conflict.

I thought there was a general Glenn-ishness about him.  The way he was kind of hesitant, yet eager to step up and prove his worth.  I didn't even notice that he was Asian, was he Asian?  Is Glenn Asian?  I don't see color or creed, just the extent to which one's facial expressions communicate moral conflict.

This show is not going to look good if you stare at Andy, but I was really  impressed with how numerous subplots were developed in this episode.  Erin is recognizing how ridiculous her boyfriend has gotten and even shared this cognizance with Pete (certainly not a coincidence).  This suggests that the writers are

This show is not going to look good if you stare at Andy, but I was really  impressed with how numerous subplots were developed in this episode.  Erin is recognizing how ridiculous her boyfriend has gotten and even shared this cognizance with Pete (certainly not a coincidence).  This suggests that the writers are

'Abusive' may have been a bit strong, but dismissive and negligent would fit. For example, he had no problem shouldering Erin out of the imaginary anchorperson job that she was very excited about, and it seems like their general conversations have drifted toward him telling her he doesn't have time for her weirdness

'Abusive' may have been a bit strong, but dismissive and negligent would fit. For example, he had no problem shouldering Erin out of the imaginary anchorperson job that she was very excited about, and it seems like their general conversations have drifted toward him telling her he doesn't have time for her weirdness

I'm amazed at the subtlety with which their setting up this Pete/Erin/Andy triangle…well, at least on the Pete and Erin end.  Andy has gone way over the top in being a megalomaniac a-hole.  At least any dickish thing Michael Scott did was somewhat balanced by the fact that it came more from a childish lack of

I'm amazed at the subtlety with which their setting up this Pete/Erin/Andy triangle…well, at least on the Pete and Erin end.  Andy has gone way over the top in being a megalomaniac a-hole.  At least any dickish thing Michael Scott did was somewhat balanced by the fact that it came more from a childish lack of

Yawn, call me when they make a movie for the version of the team with Charlie 27 and that Yondu guy.

Yawn, call me when they make a movie for the version of the team with Charlie 27 and that Yondu guy.

Is it just me or is Josh Lucas terrible?  At least it looks like he's playing it up in this movie.

Is it just me or is Josh Lucas terrible?  At least it looks like he's playing it up in this movie.

So you're saying that rather than running around and acting all crazy and stuff, Nicholas Cage should just give Josh Lucas and his fright-wig another daughter to figure out where they put the first one?  Makes sense.

So you're saying that rather than running around and acting all crazy and stuff, Nicholas Cage should just give Josh Lucas and his fright-wig another daughter to figure out where they put the first one?  Makes sense.

The spider in the jar definitely struck me as a metaphor.  Walt is a dangerous man, full of poison and trapped in a situation that he can see his way out of but will never escape.

The spider in the jar definitely struck me as a metaphor.  Walt is a dangerous man, full of poison and trapped in a situation that he can see his way out of but will never escape.

For whatever reason I was speculating that the open was a flash forward.  I imagined maybe Walt had hired the kid to collect spiders for him, maybe to use their venom for one of his wacky chemical weapons to go along with whatever he needed the assault rifle for.  Nothing really suggested this to me but it was just

For whatever reason I was speculating that the open was a flash forward.  I imagined maybe Walt had hired the kid to collect spiders for him, maybe to use their venom for one of his wacky chemical weapons to go along with whatever he needed the assault rifle for.  Nothing really suggested this to me but it was just