
From their website:

Doesn’t require you to install something on your phone. This is a business tool, that happens to have some features that employees might benefit from as well. Most people don’t like installing stuff for work on their phones. It is also automatic, there is no hitting buttons to start/stop tracking for the sensors. You

Apple doesn’t invent stuff, not sure why they would claim they do? Other than rounded corners of course. Apple has never invented any product they only release alternative versions of other existing products.

By your way of thinking, minorities would be terrorists, as they continue to be portrayed as violent communities that only want to break apart white culture.

Not many States have the Idaho stop (or similar law) as a legal traffic maneuver for cyclists. In Michigan, there have been attempts by groups to get it implemented, but it is still not legal. If it does pass at some point I would hope that someone, whether it be government or interest group would push some

It is unfortunate that this occurred and right now with the news that has been put out, no one is giving a clear representation of what actually happened. Every article I have seen has been around two sentences on the accident and the rest focusing on his life.

Had a payment go missing before as well, luckily I was able to prove that the servicer had cashed my payment but didn’t credit my loan account. Got the transaction information from my bank, sent it over and they credited it. If that didn’t work, it was going to the credit bureau to have it disputed and corrected

All 10k+ team members where I work have a Herman Miller Embody $1,200+ chair. Investing in your people saves you money in the long run. Office equipment like chairs also can be claimed on taxes. Don’t forgot these chairs come with at least a 10 year warranty.

So this theory is only useful to new internet subscribers, if it’s even useful at all. If you’ve had any internet service for any amount of years you’ve already given them countless amounts of data, enough to make those random searches worthless.

Most coal mining is done through strip mining in many places, they don’t actually build mines and send people & machinery underground anymore, at least not in the US. So there isn’t really an opportunity for black lung, its about as safe as most construction jobs, and I can’t say anything about the pay.

In reality, and what most people believe to have happened. Chrysler Executives wanted an easy out, and they did the merger to get huge retirement payouts and bonuses.

Considering the several billions in cash reserves that Chrysler had (which still hasn’t been accounted for during the merger), they could have easily

Detroit has a strong teachers union, they aren’t out performing anyone.

Are you really that ignorant? Are you not aware that there have been thousands of years of white slavery? There were even white slaves mixed in with black slaves up to the emancipation proclamation, yet we never hear about the white slaves in America, only the blacks.

I’m guessing in this case, an airbag that is installed is no longer considered unopened/unused, in which case the life of an airbag in a car would generally be 10 years before it may malfunction in the event it is used.

Directly or indirectly, the Government is collecting Fees/Taxes from telecommunication companies to fund the program. Which they then pass along these Taxes & fees to you, and will generally show up on your phone & cable bills. So yes Tax Dollars are involved, as you are being taxed directly through a service company.

It might as well be tax Dollars. The program is forcefully funded by the phone/cable companies. They are required to pay into a fund that supports the program. Since they have to “give” away so much money, and as we know no business will willingly lose money, they choose to cover it by increasing costs to everyone

I’m going to second that it couldn’t be tomato sauce, and is actually just the burnt cheese. I’m very doubtful that it would be able to be that solid if it was tomato sauce in the pasta.

Also check out his actual recipe page, it has another image with the same color on the outside (the burnt cheese), and the lack of

ARMs are actually a very good loan type for a specific situation. They are not a long term mortgage solution. ARMs are great for short term residencies, as you get a low percentage and will be selling that home before the rates go up. In a good housing market, you actually stand to earn some money during those few

Lets not forget that when you need surgery in those countries that have universal healthcare it takes months to years for normal procedures to become available. This is of course after the doctors run out of non-surgical options, before they will even look at surgery as a viable option, which in many cases is too late

No surprise with the Dodge Dart & the Chrysler 200, they’ve been slated to be discontinued for the last couple years, and they should have already stopped production at this point or will be doing so very soon.