
Having other interviews or positions lined up can also be a great bargaining point if you have a skill set that is very sought after. If a company is dead set on hiring you, they can be more likely to increase your starting pay knowing you have other offers/options vs losing you. Granted it isn’t always the case, but

Never had a Fitbit Charge, but the Fitbit Surge that I have is a champ. Wear it regularly unless i forget to put it put it on in the morning before heading out. I’ve had it close to 2 years now and only problem that I have had is scratching the screen while going through a Tough Mudder. Other than that cosmetic flaw

I feel like so many people miss the point of minimum wage. Minimum wage is so that a single person can earn a wage that will allow them to survive, NOT live comfortably. So many people are mistaken that minimum wage is something where a person should be able to live comfortably. Minimum wage works if you do not spend

I’ve mentioned this in other posts but I will mention it here again. Increasing the base pay to this extent would not make things any cheaper than they are today, nor would it in anyway make a noticeable positive change in spending. Why? When you increase the cost of manufacturing/services of most general

You’ve missed the point where prices will now go up because products will now inherently cost more to produce, or at a minimum the ones that have minimum wage employees making them will. How does that even out anything?

Sure your “pay” will go up but the over all value you are getting from that pay raise will not be a

This article is inherently flawed to offer as an accurate representation of how minimum wage increases affect the economy due to the fact that it deals with very minor increases in the minimum wage. This situation is nearly, if not doubling the minimum wage in most states, that article has no comparison to the

Science! That same science that told you Margarine was the best alternative to butter. Yet, several decades later tells you it is more dangerous and unhealthy compared to eating butter due to trans fat.

If there is potential legal actions that this person wants to take against Samsung, you don’t really want to hand over your only evidence to the people you may shortly be suing.

That isn’t magic, it’s just politics. One robs you in plain sight (Democrats), while the other does it when you’re not looking (Republicans).

Had a similar experience when I was younger. Was helping my grandfather trim vines from his fence and did not know that yellow jackets had a habit of nesting underground. Needless to say it didn’t take long for me to find out I was standing on top of their nest. After the first few stings on my legs (mind you I was

Ah, cool. Wasn’t aware that they already had a polarizing filter screen on them, learned something new.

Any idea how regular polarizing sun glasses would hold up as computer glasses? I know with good camera lens polarizing filters you can actually black out the light emitted from most monitors & TVs today. Wondering if a good pair of polarizing sunglasses would be the similar as having “specialized” computer glasses.


Ok, the USPS has a monopoly on letter delivery, that is it. They don’t have a monopoly on anything else for the better part of 50 years. This still doesn’t impact the majority of shipping companies in the U.S., as they have equal opportunity with package shipping and do not do letter handling. Could the letter

What Monopoly? The fact that they make deals to increase their profit that no other delivery service wants to? They deliver on Saturdays, which UPS does, and Fedex will too, if you pay double your shipping. Oh they also teamed up with Amazon to do Sunday Deliveries, which neither Fedex or UPS does. USPS is making

So the Government shouldn’t pay the USPS to handle their mail? I’m confused by what you’re saying. The USPS has always been a self sustaining entity separated from the Government’s Budget, they don’t receive government funding for operation.

Many DSLR Bodys are sealed but not all Lenses have weather proof seals, which opens the possibilities for water to seep into the camera where the lens attaches to the body.

The Left lane is for passing & emergency vehicles, in Michigan. I’ve actually been pulled over before by the state police (no ticket, just a warning) for driving in the left lane when no other vehicles were around and told me that first line. I’ve also had the amusing experience during heavy morning traffic on 75,

It depends on the type of rider you take out for the laptop. You could take one out that covers you for a new laptop at the original price OR for what it would cost to replace the depreciated version. You would have to check with your insurer though for actual details.

You do know that you can delete items to make room for stuff you actually use, right? If you don’t use revives or potions, delete them. That will solve your problem of running out of pokeballs due to a lack of inventory.

Get a good lightening Pokemon and Vaporeon is worthless. You can take out a 1200cp Vaporeon with a 600cp Electabuzz, it’s laughable.