
Any ranking that places Spirit anywhere above last is extremely suspect

Mandy Moore is the celebrity that I irrationally hate, and goddamit if this asshole isn’t gonna make me give that up

Vin was only in 2 of the first 4 though (I’m not counting the cameo in Tokyo Drift)

AEG is the world’s second-largest promoter. Artists could always skip Coachella for different festivals, but burning bridges with a company this big is a bad business decision. Even after reading this people probably still hate Live Nation/Ticketmaster more.

I’ve volunteered to be bumped a couple times and it’s always funny to me how a little thing like being polite to the person at the counter can make a world of difference. One flight was oversold by 2 seats, so the airline offered $500 vouchers. Myself and another person walked up. I asked the counter person how her