Bear Brian

My mom is a loyal Fox News viewer (constant sore subject, thanks), and yet she can’t stand Megyn Kelly, won’t watch her Today hour. I don’t know why, maybe because she defected from Fox? I don’t want to ask, it will just start another argument, but it’s always struck me as odd. NBC sure wasn’t counting on that

Seems like the headline here is misleading — shocker, I know. Also, a lot of publicists try to “protect” their clients without ever running something by them: “Sounds touchy, not sure ‘we’ want to be involved.” It seems disingenuous of Farrow to float that she personally tried to cancel without actually knowing it was

Agreed. Wish this was one of those toddlers who the main characters have conveniently forgotten about, like Emma and Ben on Friends, only rarely seen or heard. We only have eight episodes this season! The precociousness is not what we signed up for; case in point: Joe on Modern Family. I cannot change the channel fast

One of the MSNBC pundits pointed out that if Drumpf were truly a germaphobe, he wouldn’t be doing what you see here. Especially the dandruff photo. But he is too stupid to remember his own lies, as he’s proven time and again.

This comment tells me this person knows absolutely nothing about renters and most especially nothing about living in New York.

Thank you!

As a renter in New York, now I really want to know who owns my building. Granted, I’ve yet to meet a single developer who wasn’t some level of scummy — and Trump is their king — but I’ll be damned if I will hand over my hard-earned ducats to any of these gaping assholes.

If we were living in a Law & Order episode, Jack McCoy would already be charging that fuckhead dad with depraved indifference homicide for giving his shitstain son his guns back after he’d already been declared a danger. Unfortunately, we don’t live in the Law & Order universe.

Honest question: The Marlins won a World Series in 1997 after owner Wayne Huizenga spent a ton of money and bought veterans; soon after, he dismantled that roster and sold the team. I don’t see a ton of difference other than buying a championship prior to shitting all over the fans. So, what, the short-term glory of a

Ugh, let’s be super clear: Matt Lauer is a pig, he’s always been a pig, and a leopard doesn’t change his spots and all that. Everyone in New York media has known this for years, and he kept his job because ratings. Fuck his comeback, he should skulk away and never be heard from again.

Jesus, when are we going to be done with this whole grifter clan already?

Naeem is a guy, just FYI.

When I got married, my spouse and I had been planning for the invitations to come from us, since we were paying for the wedding, and I’ll never forget the look on my mom’s face. She expected the wording to be traditional and that they would come from her and my dad. I realized it was something she had been looking

It’s very easy to think Sorkin might have the hubris to change Harper Lee’s words. Really hope that isn’t the case. Also, no scenes of Atticus and Scout walking and talking in a hallway, OK?

A bunch of kids get to grow up in an utterly dysfunctional family, with their parents barely being able to be in the same room with each other, and their grandfather (if not their father as well) in a Supermax. Nice family. Don’t ever tell me money buys class.

“I felt like I was totally alone, that everybody hated me.”

“Festival season” is the worst. It’s fucking denim, suede, white eyelet and paisley, you entitled boho-wannabe assholes. I like fashion but hate when my feed fills up with this bullshit.

So was The National Enquirer and AMI the protector of information, or the collector of information? I’m sure Mueller already has his eye on David Pecker, but Jesus Christ on a cracker already ...

I hate Comey for what he did pre-election, but I don’t think a lot of this is petty. Trump’s physical appearance? Fine. Then we’re all petty, right? Glass houses and all that. But I certainly believe his recollection of Trump’s behavior, which was both disgusting and wrong, and unlawful. Enough of this asshole

If you haven’t watched The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling, Judd Apatow’s two-part doc on HBO, please do so. It’s wonderful, and both Garry and Judd talk about Mitzi.