Bear Brian

I’m wondering if it’s Dior, a Bar jacket, which often has padding at the hips.

Here’s a question, one I’m hoping someone will seriously consider: Given Weiner already had this history that was known publicly, and given who his wife was, what are the chances the teen was a plant? Have the family’s finances been checked? I’m not saying he’s not a sick sleazeball, he totally is - but she reached

I loved this show so fucking hard. Spoiler: I had already read about the finale before watching the show - and then when I saw Kaia come out in the first look, knowing her mother was closing the show in one of the best finales of all time, I shed more than one tear. Perfection.

You can see it! Go to, it’s there on the homepage. I have watched it twice! I may or may not have cried both times.

We need more stories like that to offset Herr Orange Shithead and his sourfaced band of grifters.

I’ve told multiple people that the Lions are 2-0 while the Patriots are 1-1. It’s been my favorite thing so far this season.

No matter the team, New York fans are honestly the worst. It’s Week Two; calm the fuck down, Desperate-Looking Dude. It’s like he can’t contemplate the idea that his fantasy league is just for fun.

Not sure about what she’s going for with the cover. It reads sexy not at all. I’m not meaning that as bashing, it’s just kinda meh overall. The concept in general, not a dig at her. Unless it was her concept, of course.

I’ve decided this show failed because Lily Collins’s eyebrows were like two caterpillars and completely anachronistic for the time period.

Being blocked on Twitter is ridiculous, mainly because these days, people have more than one Twitter account. You blocked me, asshole? No bigs, I can still see what crap you’re tweeting on my other account. And instead of calling you out with a RT, now it’s just a screengrab. You didn’t deserve the attendant clicks

Thank you for posting this story. These days my Twitter feed fills me with white-hot rage mainly because of massive Trump hatred, and I’ve discovered that accounts like @MeetAnimals, @DognKitty and @Dodo do a lot to alleviate that stress and actually make me smile. Happy to add @OfficerEdith to that ...

Thought I read someplace that Trump said he read it, but called it “long and complicated.”

Just when you thought the season couldn’t get worse. I know it’s been a throwaway season for a while now, but Jesus. Literally face-palmed watching this.

I’m sure I will get attacked for this, but have to call bullshit on her name. “I want to own my truth, but I felt the need to change my name so it’s the same as a fancy department store.”

Farenthold will not forget. He won a Pulitzer for calling Trump on his bullshit. This won’t go away.

I just loathe him so very, very much. That miserable excuse of a human being can’t die soon enough.

Dear Katherine Heigl: Telling people you have multiple fucking ALTARS in your home is only going to inspire more eyerolls about you. Wake the fuck up.

He likes his ties long because he thinks they make him look taller and thinner. True fact.

Melania’s makeup person, Nicole Bryl, has had to do his makeup more than once. Not enough money on the planet for me to take that job.

We have no idea of the breakdown of hours, scheduled or on-call, travel, etc. If this is a full-time person (because Macron was doing a ton of media, especially right after the election), then this is a cost that’s easily justified in terms of the dollar amount paid to the makeup artist.