
I always find that access to a retro catalogue of games is always better in principal than in practice. I love the idea of going back and playing older games that I either loved, or never got a chance to try, and, with only a few exceptions, I always put about 20 minutes into them and then never go back.  I think I’ll

Noooo, this article is totally incorrect information. If you’ve never used an OLED screen, please give it a try. OLEDs are not brighter. They have more natural color reproduction and more importantly, they have zero backlight because each pixel illuminates individually. One of the most amazing parts about this is you

Bioshock would have been a more interesting game if they’d done what Levine wanted to and made doing the morally right thing harder (where you’d be forgoing Adam by saving the little girls rather than harvest them), rather than roughly equivalent. Apparently the publisher didn’t think that players would try to save

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I don’t know if I can trust Milo. I heard that Valve gave him a case of Friskies for positive coverage of the Steam Deck.

It’s about ethics in cat journalism

All they care about is the box. They have no idea what’s inside it. They usually do weight it to ensure the contents are correct but unsealing the box would devalue it so greatly its not done. Despite that fact that every Babbage’s/Game Stop use to(and probably still does) have a hand shrink wrap machine in the

One can dream

Voice of power, gotta be

Umm did you read the article? Him finding the voice wasn’t the accident. Him accidentally using it in a scene when he was specifically told to use his real voice was the accident.


Haha, and a bunch of those fake newspapers from tourist attractions

The Trump library consists entirely of magazine covers with his face photoshopped onto them. Not even full magazines, just the covers.

LOL “Trump Library”, I think you mean “Trump Arby’s”, or at best “Trump Municipal Golf Course”

Can you imagine if Trump expirss before his stranglehold on the GOP wanes? Every red state politician with their eye on national office will be rushing to name whatever they can after The Great Pumpkin, in a desperate attempt to curry favor with MAGA voters.

towing the Trump party line

rooting for the asteroid

Ever since trump was generally banned from social media, his power has been diminishing like a slowly deflating balloon.