Polar Bear

I think it's a choice that deserves respect. A game that hooks people to that point isn't necessarily considered a good game, addictions and the strong reactions that games like this elicit aren't always good. I respect his decision. He felt strong enough on it to give up the money he'd be making on it, and I

I remember this dude's early videos, used to watch a lot. Damn, I figured he would've stopped by now.

Are they trademarking Crush too? It hardly seems fair to only do two out of three.

Colors are nice but it looks so dumb in game. I'll stick with my best buddy Charizard Y — and I didn't like Charizard before training it.

Impressive as heck, but can't help but wonder how much the bricks for this cost. Lego are expensive, damn. I had a bunch as a kid and my niece and nephew keep asking for them for gifts and actually shopping for them as an adult and seeing the prices is just... damn, man.

My boyfriend preordered some expensive collector's edition at Gamestop not long ago. He went to pick it up on release day really excited .... and one of the employees had popped it open for display, unaware it was a preorder because it was the only one in stock.

My PS2 got full of pantry moth larvae and cocoons in every little indent due to it being next to a birdcage they grew fond of that was not cleaned properly while I was on vacation.

Jack and Tali are at completely opposite ends of the personality spectrum with vastly different stories. I adored both of them, but I fail to see how one could be considered better than the other when they have very little to compare aside from being in the same game.

I've seen Mass Effect fans do this with Steve Cortez and Samantha Traynor.

I wouldn't be surprised, love to see how many code violations this building has. This cardboard box would probably pass as a house better than this complex does.

The steelix you can get in-game is nicknamed Thumper but you can't nickname your own pokemon Thumper. Had a friend upset she couldn't name her bunnelby Thumper and.. yeah.

I bet it gets hot and uncomfortable in there

The resolution doesn't bother me at all... Windowed mode, heyyyy

Also visually the blue fire looks ridiculous.

Nobody will probably see this but there is one thing about the inanimate object designs in Pokémon that the vast majority of fans and non-fans alike don't get and I was only relatively recently made aware of, myself.

You can get Graeter's in Columbus, too. There's one that's a sort of manufacturing center where you can go check out the process they used, they opened it in the late '90s, if I recall correctly. I remember being unhappy I missed the grand opening.

Were they a little more practical and less ridiculously sexualized, the female designs are way more visually appealing and memorable than the male ones. The males are super generic and boring. Common problem with military shooters... Character design doesn't seem to come easy for these things.

I did some calcs and I've paid somewhere around $950 on WoW and somehow keep coming back even though I have a burning distaste for it now.

I think it's worth saying that they already seem to have patched the crashing bug out and it works just about flawlessly for me now.

The video was cringe-worthy but the game looked cute. Downloaded it and tried and all it does it crash on me on the first level. Still, it's got pretty cute art.