Polar Bear

Bioshock 1 & 2 are decopunk / dieselpunk. Infinite is steampunk, though... debatably. Steampunk is generally period-based, primarily Victorian-era stuff. Most of what people refer to as 'steampunk' isn't. A lot of it is actually dieselpunk, I think; the Legend of Korra and Dishonored come to mind for me first. I like

guessing the bird is used in falconry? not sure how else he would have had the camera back, and it seems to stick around him

I was pretty proud of my names I had when I played. Here's some:
Scapegoat (Draenei Priest)
Fartstrike (Death Knight)
Portalvendor (Mage)
Grandpa (Dwarf Priest) <- I got the best comments on this one
Broseidon (Mage)
Scam (Rogue)
Cedar (Druid)
Tea (Monk)
Mewtwo (Gnome)
Rude (Undead)
Spinda (Pandaren female)
Froslass (Mage)
I guess

I believe most corporate facebook pages are run by multiple people. I know some of them even sign posts depending on the employee. You're probably right there.

Gonna be that guy. It's Gipsy Danger, not Gypsy Danger.

woo peggle

That was fully what I expected this article to be referencing.

All the Mega evolutions are Mega *Pokemonname* so.. It'd be Mega Eevee, anyways

I would say that ten decades is still a pretty big overestimate

I'm... pretty sure it's orange because of the blue/orange theme in the game and it wouldn't look as nice blue.

The sunburst isn't exactly a thing exclusive to the rising sun flag... In the context of the turret, I associated it first with the sunburst pattern you might see behind a dramatically posing character in a comic or cartoon. It's a fairly common design element.

10 decades, huh? Wow, I had no idea the DS has been out for 100 years now, I feel pretty old now.

What's the big deal? It's nothing different than a dev of some military FPS playing Call of Duty, Volition employees playing Grand Theft Auto, or the fellas BioWare working on Dragon Age playing Elder Scrolls games.

Re: Holocaust — I don't think that would count unless paired with words that give it historical context, since holocaust is just a word in addition to the event we all associate it with. I mean, one referencing something like a nuclear holocaust, animal sacrifice (unlikely one there), the band, or comic book

Maybe they'll be like the MLP blind bag toys. Those have numbers etched in the plastic that coordinate with what's in the bag, so, as long as you check the number you know what you're going to get.

I kind of think the point of the Naga is the extra buttons...

I clicked play expecting to not like it, but it works better than I'd expect... I actually like it better than the original, a lot.

My old MySpace is full of things about my ex-girlfriend. Even the display name is set to *my name* <3s *her name*.

Didn't someone anonymous donate the money for this kid's bail?

I'm bald and I want to shave my hair off, too, now.