Polar Bear

I only recall, like, two or three blatent dick jokes in the entire game. I think someone's just got dicks on the mind.

idk I think a lot of people would; I would. Using the Steam Workshop for mods is way, way less of a pain in the ass than going through Skyrim Nexus, though I use both of course. I've got a few friends that initially pirated and later decided to buy on Steam for the Workshop

Just 'cause they're old doesn't mean they're not still fun.

EA's getting the brunt of the hate lately because they've done some massively stupid and shitty stuff lately but that doesn't mean everyone is eating other companies bullshit up, too. EA certainly isn't the only one I'm completely fed up with. Capcom and Ubisoft are both pretty high on my shit list along with EA, and

No Caesar's Legion merch? That's disappointing! NCR was the most uninteresting faction in New Vegas, and that's the only one I see represented there.

What?? 3DS has been the gaming purchase I've been most satisfied with in years, personally.

Guessing he got caught in the blast from the bomb in the courtroom? I hope they don't keep that coat and the bandages the whole game. I think they look kind of stupid. Oh well.

No, they don't, I don't have to wrap my hands around a keyboard. Mouse bothers me sometimes but I've got a hugeass one which helps and keyboards are a godsend.

Hi. I don't use consoles. Controllers hurt my carpal tunnel + arthritis-ridden wrists.

I'm not discounting that?

Gaige and Zer0. Zer0's melee was what drew me to him initially but it got a little less fun later on, and I swapped to sniping and some of the skills, like B0re, are pretty OP. Gaige is just all-around fun. Deathtrap is a lifesaver sometimes.

How about the LGBT people killed in the holocaust? Things like this? The hate crimes and discrimination and attacks and murder and bullying of LGBT people that still happen? How about this

The only problem I remember with GW2 is the trading post not working, yeah.

Older Pikachu looks so emotionless compared to newer.

Yes, it has some after the mission

They had creme eggs with green filling for Halloween. Cadbury screme eggs. I think that was a new thing, but I could be wrong. Somehow they felt way more awesome than the regular ones.

Agreed, mostly. I disliked the initial ending, though not as much as most, but I felt like the rest of the game was full of some of the best writing in the series. Definitely the most emotional! The extended cut made up the ending more than enough for me.

Tingle? I'd buy it.

I'm very excited to see how this goes. Whether they're using it for marketing or not, things like this are positive and a step in the right direction. Nice to see HRC is involved even a little, too. As much as I wish they'd focus a little more on the T in LGBT, they're a good, trustworthy organization.