Polar Bear

If it bothers you that much, just buy a black one, damn.

As someone with pretty big hands, I think it looks like a complete nightmare.

I don't know. I think it takes a little more to take a hit and go ahead and cancel a Kickstarter. It just seems like taking it through to the end would save more pride than giving up, personally.

Nuzlocke is about making the game more challenging, not about conforming to lore, so it wouldn't make sense to skip over the rules, even if they're self-enforced, for the biggest battles of the game.

There were several for Oblivion. I'm pretty sure they could do it just fine.

Gen I is great for nostalgia and I thought they were awesome as a kid, but I really can't help but feel like people are being delusional whenever they rank them top on best main series lists. They're big-ridden and if someone handed me one right now and told me I should play it, I don't think I could get very far. Gen

Your point for something like that is kind of lost when you're poking fun at others while saying something else isn't funny, even if the ones you're poking fun at are usually the butt of every other joke. It doesn't work out like that.

assuming that everyone who thinks this is funny is american

And he's totally dead!

Meh. Pretty much all of the other Aspects are way more badass.

I've got to say, as far as house building on PC, I think Hearthfire is the way to go. I had a lot of fun with it. There's a house building mod or two, yes, which I've tried and felt like they were a lot clunkier than Hearthfire and at one point it crashed my game every time I got near the house. Bethesda's work feels

Good article.

Played on PC, too, and no bugs except I get such bad graphical lag that it's nigh-unplayable at points.. even though my rig can run basically anything at top settings. My partner was fine on his 360 copy but another friend had that same bug on PC so...

You can get Celebi by purifying all pokemon and trading it from Pokemon Colosseum. There's been a number of events in the US and other non-Japan countries to get it, too.

They did, but we've had two time-based legendaries. Celebi as well as Dialga. Which probably makes it even more unlikely they'd do time again.

What's the big deal about the XL?

What's the big deal about the XL?

Well there's not even much to change for stuff like battles, what could they even do to improve battles without removing the 'feel' of them? Not a whole lot, really, but I'm sure there's going to be a little more to traveling, even if not much, judging by the weird scene with the platform and the net. I hope so, at

They returned it after deleting the pictures? Ok. I don't get that. You got rid of the photos, it's gone, you've got a perfectly fine and clean 3DS, why would they need to return it?

I like the guy with the anime icon confessing to liking anime.