Bear Patrol

It is hanging out with this week’s Podmass.

Shkreli was on Reddit the other day plugging some stocks. It seemed like a fairly obvious pump and dump, but I’m sure more than a few people out there bought based on his “tip.”

The two are unrelated, hopefully(?)

I’m watching Metalocalypse for the first time with my wife, and she actually likes it. It is funny because she would walk out of the room whenever I was watching Home Movies (but she likes Bob’s Burgers). Go figure.

Sad sacks report in. What’s eating you this week?

Can’t we just be annoyed because DDD is a worse version of Feasting on Asphalt, and the wrong show got popular?

I know that feel, bro. My weekend was shitty in the extreme. Have a khlav kalash, a glass of crab juice, and know that it will get better

There is a theory that Arya was actively playing the game of faces when she said those things to Sansa. She was lying to see if Sansa would call her out on it. How that makes any sense in a larger context, I have no idea. Maybe she was trying to teach Sansa to be cool and not let Petyr read her so easily. It’s dumb,

Heading to the midwest for a funeral this weekend. Hopefully I can still get some Oberon from Bell’s to take back with me. In the meantime I have been drinking Mango Even Keel from Ballast Point.

As the one guy in my peer group who might say “Hey, let’s watch I Am Big Bird tonight,” Matt Vogel seems like a nice guy.

Reverse chronological order. Not truly backwards.

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Cat trees are nested more than 2 levels, so even if you can’t comment on them they are still closer to what you are looking for.

Surprise! They decided to go back to the old site and nobody told you.

Don’t forget Exitus