
ass end on that dodge looks like...well like ass.

@spiegel1- Dr. Hoonry Kissinger: charlie also forgot that under the new rules of engadgetment. they cannont fire back even if they are fired upon. so either way. GAME OVER!

something about it isnt right. its not as cool as i remember them being in top gear.

@philphil: or cause we can go faster than 15 mph on our roads.

@Creep_jp: go back to starbucks, FOOL!

i wouldnt be bragging about voting in general. either way its a mistake. hahahaaaaaaaa!!... ah, i beleive it is time for a revolution.

well, i am gonna have to give it to them on the video production side, those shots in the bull ring were gorgeous plus the desert track. very western very american. uk top gear doesnt have these settings. i love it. now time will tell if these guys will get better and build a good relationship.

@Fat Tire: i saw the first episode of top gear. cause everyone here is hating on this new u.s. version. and yeah clarkson had that super nasally british voice aswell. which with time i hope they can get these guys into gear or just swap in new guys to replace the ones that suck.

nice, i didnt know mazda and ford had a joint venture with starfleet!!!!!!

@ValkRaider: why do you gotta ruin the story for everyone. its funner with the army of internetters on the hunt.

that car doesnt want to be fed, it wants to HUNT!!!!!!!

dodge viper rt/10

i would go with the ford gt the 2001 concept show car. had them big fat tires and sleeker windsheild. and just a sexier look to it. the production is still bad ass but as long as we;re "what iffing" here.