
@nibby68: i like the way you think.

naw, man its just that i got some dirt in my eye or something!!!

@Dirlotron: hahaaa! my friend;s wife has one, he had to go get it maintenanced, and he asked me if i would go with him, cause he hates driving it. so as a compassionate friend i went. not before downloading some george michaels onto my mp3 player.

@Dukie: i dont know, he made it to jalopnik somehow...

@f133x: i am with you, the current car looks beefy.

joe biden you crazy mo fo. he got a haircut. he looked kookier with his longer hair.

6. should also be bunched with the annoying guys that hate on people that buy trucks and suv;s.

@ex_Ford_guy: you havent been here too much have you...people make smartass remarks and racist remarks no matter who the dumbass it is. if its a redneck up there, you will hear all sorts of nascar mullet jokes on here. so dont think the racist remarks are only reserved for one race. it just depends who happens to be

@Dukenukemx: how can you it was a pretty weak trailer that didnt show anything. i would have figured a monatage of whats to come instead of just some dude in a dirt track. i will reserve judgement.

@ieatbabies: pretty sure they wore the plaid cuase they are suppose to be moonshine runners. i beleive one of them duke boys always wore plaid. plus top gear has a few years on these guys to develop that relationship that they have now.

@MyDragonLovesBruce - now with witty suffix!: one thing that i do find intrigueing is them using actual american clunkers. i watch bbc. and its like watching something out of this world. i have no attachments to their cheap cars. cause i dont have an understanding of where they stand iconically. i understand coupe de

the dude in the beard has to go. he is all ready annoying. someone needs to loop 1:12 to 1:14 and you pretty much have captured his persona.

@richmondh: i think you have to give time for these guys to grow to love or hate each other. top gear bbc. has been going on for a while. i never seen the first seasons of top gear bbc. but i am sure they didnt have an immediate chemistry. although the bearded fat guy isnt doing much for me. of course this is just 2