
It is an alchemist printer and prints out sheets of gold

We don't need the government to pay for anything else, I mean come on my grandchildren are going to be paying for this damned healthcare BS that was forced on us. Obama's bunch of goons need their hands broke so they can't write more checks


@redfalcon: You mean we are gonna have to deal with the crappy acting of Shatner again. I thought that was done when Kirk was left in the Nexus

@MrRainMan: Look not trying to be a douche, I thought I was being funny. I can see where it could have been seen as douche baggery, and if I did upset you any I'm sorry, I was just trying to jest a bit.

@MrRainMan: Hey, it's not my fault you pathetic excuse for an education didn't include English in 3rd grade. Hell even here in Kentucky we start English classes in the 1st grade

@MrRainMan: That would explain a lot then my good sir.

@NanorH: You can't be serious, Apple is the most eco minded company there is.

@MrRainMan: since you don't know WHICH version of WHICH or WITCH to use you don't need a laptop. You need to go back to 3rd grade.

@thiagohf113: I saw it on Mythbusters. All they did was get their hand wet then as fast as possible dip their hand in the lead that is 200 degree Fahrenheit degrees above the melting point and they were unharmed

I was hoping to never see Goatsie again in my life, and here the sun is aiming its right Goatsie at us

@FriarNurgle: I didn't think anyone would go there

@Zach Everson: I've done 2 papers on this in college and if executions are done in the first 5 years then executions are more cost effective and if you killed someone you should die as well. To make you feel even better I'm in Kentucky and think that KCADP are a bunch of limp wristed liberal wussies

@monodna: your right, I find myself thinking in German at times because for some reason it calms me

In any language that blonde is hot

Lavar Is the only one that could have ever played Geordi. How could they even think of having Blade in that role

Now they need a Wookie voice emulator

@minimaltek: That is great I thought I was the only one to see that

What is that in #18