
@Skeptical_Geezer: Dude to be honest I agree with you on this but for some reason your 3rd paragraph makes you come off as someone that wants to hook up with a teen

@Paradise: That disappointed me as well. For some reason even though I love Metal and most music made with a guitar I hate the stripes but like Gaga

When I was in Germany there was no such thing as police brutality, if a cop said move and you didn't move you got hit. The cops are there to protect you as best as they can and need you to do what they tell you to. Or at least that is what I was told the mentality of German cops are

@boslok: I'm sorry but those movies were what I based my young life off of. You have no right to go a bash movies that meant so much to so many of us keep negative thoughts like that to your self or I might just have to start bashing your She-Ra movie

@MinnZ: stop your whining,even thou I personally agree with you and think you should be able to marry your boyfriend, I am getting tired as hell of hearing so many in the gay community bitching about not being able to get married. Look at it from the bright side at least you don't have to think about getting

@Eggyhead85: You did get bit by a spider it was a brown recluse, you are lucky you still have what ever limb it was that was bitten

there is some nice art here but I think this is the worst artist I have seen Giz get. Sorry this isn't the kind of stuff I have come to like from the artist that Giz gets

@Steven Ansell: Hey don't feel lonely Safari 5 is slow as molasses on Macs

Use the force Luke

I'm sorry but if I was his buddy I would have kicked him in the balls to keep him out of the water if he was looking for the sharks

how can anyone not have the internet, hell even my phone has it. Hell even my BLIND mom has an email account

This could get me to come back to verizon

Is has Shadow run all over it. Next thing you know there are going to be Debe's running around and people will be shooting lighting from their arse.

@Hello! My name is Anonymous: I have been to I think 3 orgies and non of them were disgusting I enjoyed all of them. You just have to partake in ones that have people you want to see naked

Sounds like someone is getting a RIM job and loving it

I would so love that house I could walk around naked with my girlfriend and not have to worry about clothes unless we needed to run to the store for more food

@Daoudmac: stop the crying who cares if they use a common phrase to describe a woman that hangs on her pet fag

Honestly I haven't liked anything past there second cd, they just got to heavy into drugs or something their music has just sucked since the 3rd cd

About freaking time my family has been mining coal without enough safety for 50 plus years about damned time they were thought about