
@Lord_Data: That comment is so childish, but true. Now all it needs is flame decals

@Capall: At the Time the Romans were in Britain they were Christians and they were killing us Pagans

@beanperry: How can I be sued for making copies UNLESS I am selling them. The way I understand copyright law I have to profit from the copies to get in trouble

@earle117: Exactly, I remember back in the day making copies of tapes for friends and giving them out

@earle117: I think in the last 5 years I have bought 2 cd's. If it is online it is free game

I'd be screwed I have around 15 Gigs of songs I have "borrowed"

@LogicHazard: I was a 31F at the time it has since changed the title is Network Switching Systems Operator Maintainer I had a blast when I was in and I am looking at getting back in

@LogicHazard: I was in the Army I know that kevlar is heavy as hell the helmet is over 5 pounds

@LogicHazard: Liquid does not equal water. Not all liquids are as dense as water

They got the recipe for my mom's secret pudding

@dinniedraco: I thank you for the info I think I have found my Princess Leia here at work now

@Groo8: This is the most believable entry here

1984 is all I have to say

And we are supposed to believe the NSA...

@qbrad: That one I don't think I would admit to

how the hell am I gonna put that in my pocket

@Lars Wenngren: you get almost nothing but straight THC when you inhale

@Lars Wenngren: you use this to get all the benefits of smoking the Green Tobacco without the bad stuff like tar

@bwj109: I want that job man

@ilfn143: Exactly what I have said, we need to continue to use the shuttles till we have the replacements ready for use. Hell we don't even have any kind of replacement in mind yet, ok well we have some but none that the government has approved yet