
7.4M/182 = 40,659 visits per day

Working on his Spanish.

7 million over six months can easily be accomplished by a handful of people like myself. 

That is not impressive at all.

I can imagine how many a thousand is pretty well and I’ve got the multiplications skills to imagine that doubled or even tripled. Sorry but this site does not get “thousands” of readers. It might get a couple dozen hundred hits but those aren’t all unique. Lots of repeat viewers. 

Nobody doesn’t like Obama.

Honestly, our candidates are so completely and thoroughly horrible for 2020 that our only chance is Hillary taking one last shot at the crown. Even if she lost, and she would almost certainly lose, it would be more entertaining than Biden or Warren versus Trump. 

I don’t have time to read this right now, but I did want to share a quick story about my own struggle with health insurance in this country.

More debates and more candidates is actually a healthy thing for a democracy. It means we get more choices and make more informed decisions.

This site doesn’t have “thousands” of readers.

If they aren’t wearing horse shoes, correct. If they are wearing horse shoes, incorrect. Horse shoes are shoes for horses.

Pretty sure modern police departments are outfitted with ATVs and jungle trucks.

I was seven years old when I saw my first gun. My uncle took me hunting for squirrels in the forest. We didn’t eat the squirrels, so I was confused why we were hunting them. They weren’t like the stray cats or raccoons in our neighborhood that would dump our trash out all the time. They just played in the trees and

Horses are much better for crowd control and chasing people than are bikes. Horses are very large and very fast, so their superiority to bicycles should be obvious. They also have a natural connection to man similar to the dog. The question we should be asking is why the officers are allowed to wear cowboy hats? That

Although this is a trained technique and best practice in some scenarios

He’s a Democrat.

You can use money to prevent a nomination though. Which is what they’re doing with Bernie.

Implicitly that’s what he said and then he gets all this press about how he’s right and that this was the best thing said and so and on so forth. He’s wrong. He’s taking the easy way out by saying it’s society’s fault. That’s literally exactly what I used to say in high school when I was emo.

Yeah that’s BS. Don’t you dare put the blame on my shoulders for this. None of us here are responsible for the actions of Trump’s base. I am sick and tired of feeling guilt for the actions of others. I’m doing my part! Maybe if the DNC had some energy or youth or anything that would attract voters back to the right

I was an emo kid back in the 90s and I look back at that part of my life in shame. Died black hair, painted fingernails... I wore Vans and I didn’t even know how to skate. Never smiled. Never even made eye contact except with my gf if I’m being honest. Part of it was the style and look I was going for, fashion, but