Lucrezia Borgia

Kind of interesting that toile is now a Thing to wear, considering it was originally used ONLY for decorative purposes when it was created in the 18th century. I get that fashions change and all that, but the costuming nerd in me is still side-eying this shit.

As someone who used to study material culture and social history in school (and still is a nerd about it), I like you. Let’s be dinner friends.

That cat is great at sniffing out 100% purina coke.

I used to have a friend who would constantly do that kind of shit, and whenever I’d call him out on it and tell him to cut it out, he’d always have the same dopey “harmless” response of “oh golly gee I’m sawwy, I didn’t mean it like that, I’m just a touchy feely guy and that’s how I was raised.”

What the fuck, Bernie. “One incident”??

Sadly, yes. If they outright overturn Roe, a) there’d be a massive backlash, and b) the GOP would lose some major, major ammunition to use with their base. So they’ll keep doing what they’ve been doing for decades and work to chip away at Roe and make sure abortion is legal and accessible in name only.

Yes, I’m sure all those millions of white men had nothing to do with donny being elected. It was all the women’s fault.

This picture is really all that needs to be said.

I would’ve thought the only way to get satisfaction from a Southern Colonel would involve slapping him with your dueling glove.

Truer words were never spoken.

Ich liebe Pfankuchen. Pick me, bitte!

The only thing I can think of is that a mammogram is used to get more of an overall picture, rather than a spot check like an ultrasound, so they’re gonna want to use that first before examining specific areas further with an ultrasound. Also I believe I read that ultrasounds can have drawbacks as far as accurately

I had to get my first mammogram last year at age 31 after finding a painful lump, and holy crap did the mammogram hurt. When the lump was first found, the doc ordered a mammo and ultrasound right away, even though I have super dense tissue and there are other options. I flat out asked if we could look into any of the

“Hey, your last name’s White. You related to that lady who wrote in about leggings?”

You just described Wayne LaPierre’s jerkoff fantasy.

The Nome Serum Run took place in 1925, not the 60s. 

I had assumed the Iditarod came about shortly after the famous 1925 Nome Serum Run, but was surprised to do a quick lookup and see that parts of the Iditarod trail have been used for hundreds of years, and while there have been other races before then, the Iditarod race as we know it wasn’t established until the 60s.

Reading this nonsense over lunch at work has basically become my guilty pleasure. 

Some of the ungreying is just baffling. Like you have to a) add something to the conversation every day and b) not be a total dick, which makes total sense, to be MAYBE considered to be ungreyed...yet we still have some ungreyed posters commenting on every.single.article with the same spammy, half-digested crap every

Soup Nazi circa 2019, cyber-stalking bad reviewers.