
My understanding of Lifetime/A&E (and the small amount I know of Dubuc) is that they aren't looking at this like, say, Mad Men… a potential awards and critics giant, but with modest ratings. They want zombie numbers from this (Dubuc replaced Raven bc of her ratings hits with meh content on History). And I think that's

Yes and no. I don't agree 100% with the thesis in this Megan McCadle YT talk, buthe idea of "social capital" vs "financial capital" provides a useful context for unpacking this specific point:…

Yes, this. Was excited to watch these in conjunction, but alas…

For some reason, there's a lot about Quinn (at her most sociopathic) that reminds me of a more socially-acceptable version of Mr. Robot's Fernando Vera, including his affection for variations of the phrase "getting hard".

Once Don was on the road, and clearly heading West or to CA, I wondered if he was going to "become Jay Chiat"…i.e. return to advertising, but with yet another (this time "fully CA" re-invention. That hunch grew stronger once he was at this new age retreat, but I guess the Coke ad strongly implies a return to McCann &

I always thought it more interesting if the show pivoted and made Molly the Michael Coreleone character. Think of the ambulance scene in Ep5, when Jennifer Finnegan tells the drivers her name… "Dr. Molly… Molly *AL-FAYEED* (now do what I say, mofos!)".

I think A.C. refers to the "Anti Christ" (maybe Christine's baby?)

Ah, thanks! Knew MM would've noted it.

Probably unintentional, but interesting parallels regarding
how both MM and “Thirtysomething” used California as similar touchstones…
agency partners going to CA to save marriages, other agency partners either
contemplating following and perhaps losing marriages in the process.