
that's a lampshading, not an explanation

and was "i don't know why people don't like you" meant to shame us? all it does is make me want to sit this child down and explain a couple of things.

it's notable that her first child was adopted. so of course she'd imprint on that bonding process. not that it isn't easy to love babies, but she's right that you don't really love them for them until they grown up a little.

yeah. did she have any reason to hate him all those years ago, or was he simply the most convenient scapegoat?

they REALLY need to work their communication, these kids


where did they leave ramsay's dogs? just curious

i don't see tyrion sacrificing both the fleet and the dornish army for the sake of revenge and unconfirmed loyalties. but it would have been nice to see him screw over ellaria. their little tiff at the war council was tonally off to me. tyrion seemed almost more annoyed than horrified, considering how much he'd loved

if only someone would tell dany that. she looked only too excited for an excuse to burn tons of people.

i'm sad the ladies didn't even get to second before stupid evil uncle urine ruined everything

agreed. there was no way for theon to act that wouldn't have led to yara getting her throat slit within three seconds. it's not like he carried a gun.

i remember once a character getting injured, going to the ER, being seen by a doctor, and out the door in like 20 minutes. LOL.

anatomy doesn't determine sexual orientation. varys was pretty clear to oberyn that he was asexual before he was castrated.

i know, it's not like it was a secret that he cares about his sister and wouldn't want a grown-ass owner of brothels professing his unrequited "love" for her

it makes sense that grrm told them where he intends to go with these characters and storylines, but d&d can also pick and choose what makes it into the show and what gets ignored

i would genuinely prefer a show that went into the CW network being taken over by southern-fried hospitality. an au where, like, the flash drives a pick-up truck and speaks with a twang.

i watched the ep last night with a superfan who was literally screaming at the top of her lungs about this. "SEE? *gesturing at euron's pristine ship amongst the fiery ruins of the lesser greyjoys' fleet* THIS IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. IT MAKES. NO. SENSE."

ravens are unreliable. why did dany's arrive before sam's?

i just don't get what a "strong" theon could have reasonably done in that situation. charged euron head-on while his ax was at yara's throat? he should have chosen to jump while staring at their backs, momentarily unnoticed.

all i want is arya and sansa figuring out their roles together at winterfell. it would be great if arya helped sansa get over her resentment of jon and cut off that burgeoning cersei-dom, while sansa helps ground arya so she no longer feels like a disavowed assassin stuck behind enemy lines.