the wait is interminable. i remember it well. good luck, gas man.
the wait is interminable. i remember it well. good luck, gas man.
doug's character is closer to sam than mark.
she also did a good job with an initially very unsympathetic character in nurse jackie.
weirdly reminded me of my year of service with americorps. it happened a few months after 9/11 and every project description somehow involved "homeland security", including the one in rural missouri where we basically whacked weeds and hung out with kindergartners for 6 weeks.
i think the superhero genre itself works better in animation. live action has its place, but the cartoons are far less limited.
i will never not be sad about the lost potential of george clooney's batman. this could have been robert downey jr as tony stark levels of iconic. he literally was bruce wayne at the time of his casting.
i saw alice braga in i am legend and i think she was in blindness as well? she's very pretty and i love her aunt sonia, so i'm pre-disposed to be positive about her.
i'm commenting on the lack of indication that chase intended to do anything about that. even a single line about being concerned about his people's loyalty would have done the job, since i know the show was was pressed for time.
see, i wasn't scared that they'd kill off someone i love. now i'm suddenly terrified.
hogwash that dwayne could have hidden depths, or that tom hanks's were hidden? because if it's the second thing, you need to get ripped and watch bachelor party.
idk i have encountered so many women who either approve of trump's virulent misogyny or actively broadcast it themselves
it's possible he'll prove us all wrong! when i was little, tom hanks wasn't an Actor, either.
i feel like half the main cast got taken in for alcohol-related nonsense at one point or another.
i love the man, but he's an entertainer, not an Actor (TM).
the rage was over the teletubbies being gay
along with the wife from the santa clause
and ludacris and tyrese
and tego and santos
shhh, gina was working the long con. apparently.
DVD commentary from the creators claims the behind the scenes stuff was her refusal to stay for more than a limited time (basically the same reason was cited for why she got so little involvement in the afterlife plot). is there more to it?
1. yes. (see: girlfight)