I went to Cornell, and with every story like this — on top of lived experience — it becomes clearer that we need to ban Greek life to improve college life.
I went to Cornell, and with every story like this — on top of lived experience — it becomes clearer that we need to ban Greek life to improve college life.
No one is saying you can’t read Harry Potter, you galloping fuckwit. Just that your fuckwittery should preclude you from sharing in things that nice, normal, non-hateful people enjoy.
never thought i’d say this but, wow. you don’t deserve harry potter.
“Out Your Pig” is 1000000x better than “Me Too.”
Like fantasy football, but for Congress
We can do better than “better than Trump.” That is the lowest possible bar to clear.
If Biden’s the nominee, yeah, I’ll vote for him. But this party has a lot of phenomenal candidates, and it’s a long road to the nomination.
Also my favorite dark horse candidate would be Sen. Maria Cantwell, from Washington. She’s a take-no-shit kinda lady and I appreciate that.
You poor thing. I had a mom like that, too (but no friendly ghost). I hope (and it sounds like) you’re doing well. <3
The Chinless Wonder strikes again
The lesson here is that we need to be more careful about policing the party and keeping out the crazies. This case is a little more difficult, because Weiner is married to a perfectly decent woman, and Huma shouldn’t be held responsible for his actions. But going forward, Dems’ policy towards sexting or nudes or…
Donate! Volunteer! Go your local government meetings!
Go on.
HI, Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations grad here. What the everloving fuck. Cornell has one of best labor programs in the country, and they try to do this to the students? IN THESE TIMES??
Sorry you had to deal with that jackass. I hope you got at least something out of it— I really do worry about the sort of wingnuts who might try to hurt you guys, especially in this climate
She’s so *young* I mean, she’s just a baby. How? How could he have done something so terrible to a fucking child?
Excellent list, thank you. Reading Dark Money right now and I absolutely love it. But no Margaret Atwood? Oryx and Crake (privatization run amok, corporate stranglehold on the country) as well as Handmaid’s Tale?
thank you for continuing to put this together. i’ve come to rely on it to make sure i’m not missing the big picture.
The words of the indomitable Kara Brown— “White women, please come get your friends” — are going to be my motto for the next four years. I am not going to let my people fuck up like this again.